Day 38: Be Good, Little Human
This blog is a continuation of:
Day 30: Goodness as Positivity,
Day 31: You're My HERO!!!
Day 32: Consistency and
Day 33: Wanting to be the Star Pupil
Day 34: Make a Happy Family
Day 35:Don't Act like Lady Gaga - Act like a Real Lady!
Day 36: Join JESUS on The CROSS -What?! WHY?!?
Day 30: Goodness as Positivity,
Day 31: You're My HERO!!!
Day 32: Consistency and
Day 33: Wanting to be the Star Pupil
Day 34: Make a Happy Family
Day 35:Don't Act like Lady Gaga - Act like a Real Lady!
Day 36: Join JESUS on The CROSS -What?! WHY?!?
Day 37: The Secret to a Successful Life!
- continuing to purify the word 'Good'.
In my mind, I have connected the word 'good' to:
- continuing to purify the word 'Good'.
In my mind, I have connected the word 'good' to:
Christianity – Jesus – God – Heaven
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to define ‘good’ within and as everything that is portrayed as ‘positive’
and ‘good’ within Christianity – such as Jesus, God and Heaven.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to believe that the answer to leading a proper life can be found within
Christianity or religion in general – where I take in the words of others
teaching about what it means to live a proper life and just accept it as truth.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to try to go looking for answers in a ‘great book’ that apparently has
the knowledge of ‘good and evil’ and from where I can learn what it means to
live in a way that is appropriate – instead of just using my own common sense
and testing the points out for myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to define the word ‘good’ and ‘being good’ within and as being healthy.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to believe that a person who is not healthy is a bad person.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to judge people, including myself, based on a person’s health.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to define a good person as a person who is in perfect health; who is
slim, who has nice skin, who has perfect hair, who looks radiant.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to believe that a person who has bad health has bad karma and that this
person is suffering because he/she has done something wrong or bad in their
life and therefore deserves to have health problems.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to, when I see someone who doesn’t meet the general ‘health standards’
think ‘ai, ai, ai – that person must have really fucked up to turn out so bad’.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to believe in karma and give the concept of karma value without ever
investigating what karma is and whether it is something that really supports a
being or not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to believe that if I’m a good person, God will reward me with good
health – and thus, that if I’m ill or having health issues, that God is
punishing me for being a bad person/having done something wrong.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing
myself that the human physical body is here as a support in physically giving
us feedback in terms of our relationship with ourselves and that it’s not about
rewarding or punishing or even judging yourself as good or bad – but simply to
be able to see where you are at and what points require attention/alignment
within self.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing
myself to realise that physical illness merely reflects mental illness –
indicating that I am in some way participating in an ILLusion that is
preventing me from living life in equality and oneness, and thus, that there
exists a point where I am kidding myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing
myself to participate in the “I’m a healthy person” Character – trying to show
off how I am paying attention to what I eat and how I treat my physical body so
that others may think/perceive/believe me to be a good person.